DRINK Matthew Harrington DRINK Matthew Harrington

Bennington gets hoppy as Homebrew Festival returns this spring

Vermont Business Magazine The brews will flow once again as the Southwestern Vermont Chamber of Commerce and Hopridge Farms partner together to produce the thirteenth Homebrew Festival and competition. Saturday, April 29th at the Bennington Sports Center in downtown Bennington, brewers will go head-to-head to be named the best homebrew in the land.

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DRINK Matthew Harrington DRINK Matthew Harrington

5 Brew Tasting Tips from Last Weekend's Winter Homebrew Festival

The Winter Homebrew Festival was always meant to be a sign of spring and shaking off the cabin fever.  Many hundreds did just that as they piled into 10,000 square feet of homebrewers and wing purveyors.  You could see friendships, that perhaps had been packed away in hibernation, again rekindled as they joined together to taste, sample and laugh their way through the festival.

Here are some tips to get your taste buds truly appreciating the eclectic brews that are emerging this spring!

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